Logo for Screensharer

Upvote Screensharer

You can use this bot to share your screen with other members, it allows anybody to share their screen!

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Share your screen with friends!

Add the bot to your server and allow your members to share their screen with anyone!

You can get detailed help in support server, or go in a channel and type sys help and view the commands, if you get stuck on one, just type sys help command to get detailed help for that command.
Bot creates a direct link for voice channel and creates a blank screenshare, create one and fill it to share your screen with your friends! Just type sys sr and use command to make other members use the link and join your screenshare session. If you have further questions, go ahead and join support server, do not hesitate to ask questions, all of them will be answered!

Thanks to WoxeOfficial#4848 for his helps.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.