Secret Santa Discord Bot Logo

Secret Santa Discord Bot

Full Secret Santa Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in September

Secret Santa Discord Bot Described:

Organize Secret Santa events with your discord server! Both virtual gifts and shipped gift events are supported!

Perfect for tight-nit servers who want to host gift exchange events with their members.

Features include:

!secretsanta new Command (Manage Messages permissions)

Begins the wizard for creating new events. You will be asked a series of questions including:

  1. What channel the event embed should be sent.
  2. The budget you want to set for this event. (Optional) You can send TBA if you are unsure at the time of creation.
  3. The type of event you want to host, virtual or shipped.
    • Virtual events are events where you might say exchange steam keys or digital art!
    • Shipped events are events where you purchase a physical gift for someone but have it shipped to them rather than exchanging in person. See more details on this event below.

After this, the bot will compile the information you input and send a pretty embed to the channel you specified for the first question.

Users will be able to react to the message to declare that they are interested in participating. The Bot will DM them a confirmation or ask them for additional information if needed.

Users can un-enroll if they need to by removing their reaction from the embed (Mods can force this as well by removing their reaction too)

!secretsanta assign [id] Command (Event Organizer only)
Goes around and picks names out of a hat for each participant who’s reacted to the embed. This will send DMs to everyone with the user they were given and any additional information that may be needed to complete the event.

The [id] parameter will be sent to the organizer after the new event wizard completes.

!secretsanta note add [id] [note] Command (DMs only)

Allows users to add notes to themselves which will be sent to whoever draws their name at the time of assignment. For example, if you are hosting a shipped gift event something like your T-Shirt size could be helpful.

The [id] parameter will be sent to each participant in their DMs

The [note] the note you want to send to whoever draws your name

!secretsanta address edit [id] [your new address] Command (DMs only)

For shipped events, this will allow users to set their shipping address.
Note This will be encrypted before its stored
Only the user who draws your name will have access to it.

The [id] parameter will be sent to each participant in their DMs
Your shipping [address] will be provided to the user who draws your name at the time of assignment.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Secret Santa Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Secret Santa to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Secret Santa Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: J_C___#8947