My prefix is: *
Music Commands
*join or *j
[Automaticly joins the voice channel]
*search or *sc
*play or *p
*Skip or *s
[Skip song]
[Stop the song]
[Pause the song]
[Resume the song after pausing it]
*Nowplaying or *np
[Playing song]
*queue or *q
[Songs queued]
*Volume or *Vol
[decrease or increase the volume of the song]
Memes Commands
[Generates a random meme]
[Generates a random meme]
[Generates a random meme]
Moderation Commands
*kick @Mention someone (reason)
[Kick member]
*Ban @Mention someone (reason
[Ban Member]
*Warn @Mention someone (reason)
[Warn a member]
*Clear ->provide a number between 2 and 100<-
[Automaticly deletes messages]
*Mute @Mention someone (Please make a Muted role before doing that)
[Mute someone]
*Serverinfo or *Server-info
[Check the server’s informations]
Fun Commmands
*Kill @Mention someone
[Kill someone hehe]
*Kiss @Mention someone
[Kiss someone hehe]
*Hug @Mention someone
[Hug someone hehe]
[Generates a random blush gif hehe]
*Bite @Mention someone
[Bite someone hehe]
*Pat @Mention someone
[Pat someone hehe]
*say (message)
[Repeat your message when you use the command]
[Generates a cute gif hehe]
[I’m not telling what it does xd]
[I’m not telling what it does xd]
[I’m not telling what it does xd]
Other Commands
*introduction or *int
[Get bot’s information]
*Invite or *inv
[Get the bot invite link]
*stats or *st
[See the stats of the bot]
*avatar or *av
[See your avatar or someone’s avatar by @ them]
[Check the bot ping]
If the bot goes offline please do not panik…