S!help admin
S!help fun
S!help pokemon
S!help info
S!help pokemon
S!help feedback
S!help tweet
NOTE= pls use all commands like that are written it’s a bug in uppercase and lowercase letters
Type This commands for help
A multiple purpose bot like Adminstration,Images,Roleplay and many more things
SOME cool commands like
S!How Gay <@user> - To Check How Gay Your Friend Or You [FAKE]
S!Cool Ness <@user> - To Check Cool Ness Of Your Friend Or Yours
S!ship <@user> - To Check Love Between You And User [FAKE]
S!Gamer Level <@user> - To Check Gamer Level Of Your Friend Or Yours
IF YOU NEED ANY HELP SO DM <@579032384117145613> / @Salman All In One Gaming#0001