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Upvote Simply Tickets

A simple to use and fully customizable ticket bot to provide support to your guild.

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A customizable and simple ticket bot to better communicate with individual users. For an easy start, run ?setup to get Simply Tickets to setup the Support Team role.

To create a new ticket, run the command ?new. You can run ?new (reason) to specify a subject or you can run ?new (@user) (reason) to add users immediately. You can run ?close within the ticket to close it. Support members can ?add to add users to a ticket. ?add (#channels) (@users)

Customization Commands:
?setcategory (Category Name) to set the ticket opening category.
?setlogchannel (#channel) to set the log channel.
?setmessage (Message, using %user% in place of @ticketopener) to set the message sent when the ticket is opened.
?setprefix (prefix) to set the prefix.
?setticketnames (name, using %ticketCount% in place of the ticket number) to set the name tickets are opened with.
?setrole (@role) to set the role of the support team rather than the default “Support Team” role.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.