Logo for SkyBlack Bot

Upvote SkyBlack Bot

Multifunction bot, which has a wide variety of commands for utilities, fun, moderation, etc.

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● This bot is multifunction, it has a great variety of commands (Moderation, Fun, Utilities) this bot is being improved frequently.

▸ Utilities commands: rank, ranklist, say, calculator, ping, userinfo, serverinfo, clear, weather, servercounter, poll, support, covid, ad, avatar, mcachievement, mcnames, mcserver, head, reverse, invite.

Fun Commands: 8ball, Fish, Hack, Meme, Akinator, Minesweeper, Reset, Love, Lucky.

▸ Interaction commands: Kiss, Hug, Pat, Slap, Dab, Baka, Bored, Poke, Confused, Hi, Sip, Sad, Run, cry, love.

Moderation commands: ban, unban, idban, kick, tempmute.

▸ Configuration commands: setprefix, setlevel.

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