Logo for Skynet

Upvote Skynet

An all-purpose bot with a continuously growing set of features.

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This bot is currently in development, so it is getting new features every week.
If you have any bug reports, please join the support server.
I created this bot because I see so many servers with six or more bots, which makes things complicated and cumbersome for the end-user.

full list of commands: https://gist.github.com/Agent-Fennec/765c404a6433f465efdb8f0a700573c4

Currently, the bot has these Commands.
Command Description Usage
addmod Add a bot moderator or group of moderators. ?addmod [user or role]
addrole Add a new role, with optional color and hoist. ?addrole [name][hex color] [hoist]
announce Send an announcement using the bot. ?announce [channel][message]
announce everyone Send an announcement with @everyone. ?announce everyone [channel][message]
announce here Send an announcement with @here. ?announce here [channel][message]
announce role Send an announcement with a role mention. ?announce role [role][channel] [message]
ignorerole Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers) ?ignorerole [role]
delrole Delete a role ?delrole [role name]
delmod Remove a bot moderator ?delmod [user or role]
modules List available modules ?modules
ignorechannel Toggles command usage for a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers) ?ignorechannel [channel]
prefix Set prefix for server ?prefix [prefix]
mentionable Toggle making a role mentionable on/off ?mentionable [role name]
rolecolor Change the color of a role. ?rolecolor [role name][hex color]
setnick Change the nickname of a user. ?setnick [user][new nickname]
nick Change the bot nickname. ?nickname [new nickname]
role Add/remove a user to a role or roles. ?role [user][role name]
role add Add a user to a role or roles. ?role add [user][role]
role remove Remove a user from a role or roles. ?role remove [user][role]
role toggle Toggle a user from a role or roles. ?role toggle [user][role]
role removeall Remove all roles from a user ?role removall [user]
role all Add/remove all users to or from a role. (Limit 1 role) ?role all [role]
role bots Add/remove all bots to or from a role. ?role bots [role]
role humans Add/remove all humans to or from a role. ?role humans [role]
role in Add/remove users to or from a role that are in a role. (Limit 1 role) ?role in [in role], [role]
module Enable/disable a module ?module [module name]
rolename Change the name of a role. ?rolename [role name], [new name]
clearwarn Clear warnings a user ?clearwarn [user]
removewarning Deletes the warning with a warning ID. ?removewarning [warning ID]
ignoreuser Toggles command usage for a user. ?ignoreuser [user][reason]
listmods List moderators ?listmods
purge Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000) ?purge number
purge user Delete messages for a user in the channel. ?purge [number][user or id]
purge match Delete messages containing text. (Limit 100) ?purge match [text][number]
purge not Delete messages not containing text. (Limit 100) ?purge not [text][number]
purge startswith Delete messages that start with text. (Limit 100) ?purge startswith [text][number]
purge endswith Delete messages that ends with text. (Limit 100) ?purge endswith [text][number]
purge links Delete a number links posted in the channel. (Limit 100) ?purge links [number]
purge invites Delete server invites posted in the channel. (Limit 100) ?purge invites [number]
purge images Delete a number of images in the channel. (Limit 100) ?purge images [number]
purge mentions Delete messages with mentions in the channel. (Limit 100) ?purge mentions [number]
purge embeds Delete messages containing rich embeds in the channel. ?purge embeds [number]
purge bots Delete messages sent by bots. ?purge bots [number]
purge text Delete messages containing text, ignoring images/embeds. ?purge text [number]
nuke Deletes and remakes the channel. ?nuke [channel]
antiraid Sets the antiraid to punish joining users if an amount of users join within seconds of each other. ?antiraid [off/amount of users] [seconds] [kick/mute/ban]
lock server Locks all channels and categorys. ?lock server
unlock server unLocks all channels and categorys. ?unlock server
lock category Locks all the channels in a category with an optional timer and message. ?lock category [category], (time) (message)
unlock category Unlocks all the channels in a category. ?unlock category [category], (message)
command Enable/disable a command ?command [command name]
Command Description Usage
clean Cleanup the bot responses. ?clean (optional number)
diagnose Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems. ?clean (optional number)
kick Kick a member ?kick [user][reason]
ban Ban a member, optional time limit ?ban [user][limit] [reason]
mute Mute a member so they cannot type or speak, time limit in minutes. ?mute [user][limit] [reason]
moderations Get a list of active moderations (timed) and remaining time. ?moderations
undeafen Undeafen a member ?undeafen [user]
members List members in a role (max 90) ?members [role]
rolepersist Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. ?rolepersist [user] [role], [optional reason]
unmute Unmute a member ?unmute [user](optional reason)
softban Softban a member (ban and immediate unban to delete user messages) ?softban [user][reason]
warn Warn a member ?warn [user][reason]
deafen Deafen a member ?deafen [user]
lock Lock a channel with optional timer and message. ?lock channel (message)
reason Supply a reason for a mod log case ?reason [case num] [reason]
modlogs Get a list of mod logs for a user ?modlogs [user]
unlock Unlock a previously locked channel. ?unlock channel
unban Unban a member ?unban [user or id][optional reason]
case Show a single mod log case ?case [Case ID]
Command Description Usage
rolemenu list of all rolemenu commands. ?rolemenu
rolemenu create Create a role menu. ?rolemenu create [remove role on unreact] [rolemenu title]
rolemenu delete Delete a role menu with its message ID. ?rolemenu delete [role menu ID]
rolemenu add Add a role to a role menu. ?rolemenu add [role menu ID] [emoji] [role to give] [description]
rolemenu remove Remove a role to a role menu. ?rolemenu remove [role menu ID] [emoji]
rolemenu resetreactions Reset the reactions of a role menu to be one again. ?rolemenu resetreactions [role menu ID]
Command Description Usage
afk Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned ?afk
afk set Set an AFK status shown when you’re mentioned, and display in nickname. ?afk set [status]
afk ignore Use in a channel to not return from AFK when talking in that channel. ?afk ignore [channel]
remindme Set a reminder ?remindme [reminder]
color Show a color using hex. ?color [color hex]
avatar Get a users’ avatar. ?avatar [user]
randomcolor Generates a random hex color with preview. ?randomcolor
whois Get user information. ?whois [user mention]
distance Get the distance between two sets of coordinates ?distance [coords] [coords]
membercount Get the server member count. ?membercount
discrim Gets a list of users with a discriminator ?discrim 1234
emotes Gets a list of server emojis. ?emotes
serverinfo Get server info/stats. ?serverinfo
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.