With this bot we offer amazing moderation command anything less then we are failing and must improve! Some of the commands we have to offer are warn, mute , unmute , kick , ban we are always looking for new ways to improve these commands so if you ever have any ideas we always listen to our customers and try add that feature in if it’s possible too.
We are always editing our commands to make them even better. If you are struggling with anything please say -help
And the bot will give you some more information if you are struggling please join our support server and our amazing support will help you out as much as possible!
Command list
How to use these commands
To be able to use the warn, mute and unmute command you must have a role called Moderator
created within the server and to be able to use the ban and kick command you must have a role called Admin
created with ban and kick perms within the general permissions on the role for the commands to be able to work.