SmartBot is written in discord.js library. Тhe commands are divided into 5 categories - Administration, Fun, Music, Info, Utilities. Also the bot has hidden functionality - i write them in the end of the description. Below i put a list of all commands and what they do. The bot should have the following roles to function: Manage Roles
, Manage Channels
, Kick Members
, Ban Members
, Read Messages
, Send Messages
, Manage Messages
, Read Message History
, Add Reactions
, Connect
, Speak
, Use Voice Activity
. If he doesn’t have this roles it won’t function properly. For any questions feel free to join the support server!
>addrole @member [role]
-> Add role to member
>removerole @member [role]
-> Remove role from member
>kick @member [reason]
-> Kick member from the guild
>ban @member [reason]
-> Ban member from the guild
>report @member [reason]
-> Report member
>tempmute @member [1s/m/h/d]
-> Add role to member
>warn @member [reason]
-> Warn a member
-> Shows the current prefix
>prefix [new prefix]
-> Set the prefix to whatever you want
-> Gives a random meme (You may have to wait up to 10 seconds to view the meme…)
-> Gives a random joke
-> Tells you how much coins you have
-> Shows your level
>pay @member [number of coins]
-> Pay coins to selected member
>8ball [question]
-> Gives you random answer
-> Gives a random image/gif of a cat
-> Gives a random image of a dog
-> You can play slots
-> Show random fact about Chuck Norris
-> Join a voice channel
-> Leave a voice channel
>play [query/link]
-> Play a song from YouTube
-> Stop the current song and the bot leaves
-> Pause the current song
-> Skip the current song
-> Show added song to the queue
-> Show which song is playing now
-> Change the volume
>lyrics [artist] [Name Of The Song Without Spaces]
-> Search for lyrics
-> Displays the lyrics for current playing song (If available)
-> Gives information about the bot
-> Gives you bot stats
-> Show info about the server
-> Shows server stats
-> Gives you an invite link for the bot
>weather [city]
-> Gives you the weather in selected city
>calc [value1 operator value2]
-> Just a calculator -> Examples >calc 1 + 1
; >calc (12 / 2) + 3
>quote [message id]
-> Makes a quote
>steamstore [game name]
-> Gives information about a steam game
>fortnite [username] [mode] [platform]
-> Gives you an information about player in Fortnite
>avatar @member
-> Displays mentioned user avatar
>poll [question]
-> Makes a pol
>clear [number of messages]
-> Clear a number of messages
-> Gives you a guide how to setup the bot for your server
Cooldown between commands: User without permissions have to wait 5 seconds before use a command again.
Warn System: If user have 3 warns he will get banned.
Member log: Send message when a user join or leave the server.
Leveling system: When member type a message, xp is randomly generated and when he has enough xp for the next level he level up.
Coins system: When member type a message, a coins is randomly generated and added to member’s wallet.