SmartBot Discord Bot Logo

SmartBot Discord Bot

Full SmartBot Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

SmartBot Discord Bot Described:

SmartBot is a multipurpose discord bot with awesome commands - Administration, Music, Meme and many more! Type >help to check them!
SmartBot (ex R2-D2) - Discord Bot

SmartBot is written in discord.js library. Тhe commands are divided into 5 categories - Administration, Fun, Music, Info, Utilities. Also the bot has hidden functionality - i write them in the end of the description. Below i put a list of all commands and what they do. The bot should have the following roles to function: Manage Roles, Manage Channels, Kick Members, Ban Members, Read Messages, Send Messages, Manage Messages, Read Message History, Add Reactions, Connect, Speak, Use Voice Activity. If he doesn’t have this roles it won’t function properly. For any questions feel free to join the support server!


>addrole @member [role] -> Add role to member

>removerole @member [role] -> Remove role from member

>kick @member [reason] -> Kick member from the guild

>ban @member [reason] -> Ban member from the guild

>report @member [reason] -> Report member

>tempmute @member [1s/m/h/d] -> Add role to member

>warn @member [reason] -> Warn a member

>prefix -> Shows the current prefix

>prefix [new prefix] -> Set the prefix to whatever you want


>meme -> Gives a random meme (You may have to wait up to 10 seconds to view the meme…)

>dadjoke -> Gives a random joke

>coins -> Tells you how much coins you have

>level -> Shows your level

>pay @member [number of coins] -> Pay coins to selected member

>8ball [question] -> Gives you random answer

>cat -> Gives a random image/gif of a cat

>dog -> Gives a random image of a dog

>slots -> You can play slots

>chucknorris -> Show random fact about Chuck Norris


>join -> Join a voice channel

>leave -> Leave a voice channel

>play [query/link] -> Play a song from YouTube

>stop -> Stop the current song and the bot leaves

>pause -> Pause the current song

>skip -> Skip the current song

>queue -> Show added song to the queue

>np -> Show which song is playing now

>volume -> Change the volume

>lyrics [artist] [Name Of The Song Without Spaces] -> Search for lyrics

>nplyrics -> Displays the lyrics for current playing song (If available)


>botinfo -> Gives information about the bot

>botstats -> Gives you bot stats

>serverinfo -> Show info about the server

>serverstats -> Shows server stats

>invite -> Gives you an invite link for the bot


>weather [city] -> Gives you the weather in selected city

>calc [value1 operator value2] -> Just a calculator -> Examples >calc 1 + 1; >calc (12 / 2) + 3

>quote [message id] -> Makes a quote

>steamstore [game name] -> Gives information about a steam game

>fortnite [username] [mode] [platform] -> Gives you an information about player in Fortnite

>avatar @member -> Displays mentioned user avatar

>poll [question] -> Makes a pol

>clear [number of messages] -> Clear a number of messages

>setup -> Gives you a guide how to setup the bot for your server

Hidden Features

Cooldown between commands: User without permissions have to wait 5 seconds before use a command again.

Warn System: If user have 3 warns he will get banned.

Member log: Send message when a user join or leave the server.

Leveling system: When member type a message, xp is randomly generated and when he has enough xp for the next level he level up.

Coins system: When member type a message, a coins is randomly generated and added to member’s wallet.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add SmartBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add SmartBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add SmartBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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