Logo for snail gievaway&info!

Upvote snail gievaway&info!

a bot that can start a giveaway or give you info this bot is simple&comfortable!

Back to snail gievaway&info!
my prefix is: *
this is my general cmd’s:
general cmd’s:

*help -help with all cmd’s
*invite - get direct link of the bot invitation
*discord - send an invitation to my discord server
*servers - show how much servers im in rn
*short - show all short cmd’s
giveaways cmd’s:
*start - start a giveaway
*reroll - reroll a giveaway
*delete - delete a giveaway
info cmd’s:
*memberinfo - show info about the mention member
*roleinfo - show info about the mention role
*serverinfo - delete a giveaway
*avatar -show someone avatar!

more cmd’s soon!
add me now to your server too!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.