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SnipyX is a moderation bot with lots of commands and also has fun commands that can be used! SnipyX's task is to moderate your server and make your server fun!

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SnipyX is a moderation bot and will help you protect your server!

SnipyX || Commands

Moderation Commands:

x!kick - Kick a user from the server.
x!ban - Ban a user from the server.
x!unban - Unban a banned user, ID Needed.
x!lock - Lock a channel.
x!unlock - Unlock a channel.
x!warn - Warn a user!
x!mute - Mute a user from the server.
x!unmute - Unmute a user you muted.
x!ann - Annouce a message.
x!setann - Set a channel for announcements.
x!clear - Deletes 10 Messages.
x!giveaway - Starts a giveawat
x!endgw - Ends a giveaway, Message ID Needed.
x!dchannel - Deletes a channel.
x!setwelcome - Joined Members announcement.
x!setleave - Left server members announcement.
x!anilink on - Truns on AntiLink System.
x!anilink off - Truns Off AntiLink System

More Commands:

x!youtube - Lookup on Youtube.
x!google - Lookup on Google.
x!afk - Truns on/off Afk System.
x!emoji - Sends a random emoji.
x!say - Says what you say after your command.
x!slap - Slaps mentioned user.
x!shoot- Shoots mentioned user.
x!watch - Watch mentioned user.
x!clyde- Clyde will re say your message.
x!level - Level Pop Up (Not real).
x!bart - Bart will note down what you said.
x!trash - Puts mentioned user in trash.
x!opinion - Will note down what you said.
x!facts - Will note down what you said.
x!captcha - Generates a random captcha.

You can find all current commands by saying x!help, x!commands, or even the clash version of these help commands.


šŸŸ¢ - Online, No Major bugs found.
šŸŒ™ - Currently being worked on
šŸ”“ - Currently broken and is being fixed on.
āš« - Down, Will be back online soon.

The bot was created on 19/06/2021 by @SnipBlox#3812

Snipy X was created when the owner had the idea of making a Moderation bot.

We have a headquarters, Support Server we will really love to hear some feedback, also if your looking for support our staff team will be ready to help!

Support Server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.