SpaceBot Discord Bot Logo

SpaceBot Discord Bot

Invite SpaceBot Bot to your server and explore space with its commands. Get the latest space news and facts with SpaceBot Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

SpaceBot Discord Bot Described:

SpaceBot: The Bot that tells you about space

SpaceBot is a bot which allows you to access some of NASA’s (and other) APIs directly from discord. You could find out where the ISS currently is, who is in space or just decide to find some photos from NASA’s collection. The Sky is NOT the limit


+space help - View help for all below commands inside Discord easily!

+space stats - View current stats for the bot.

+space iss location - Gives the current location of the ISS

+space iss passes <location(place / town / city name)> - Gives some upcoming passovers and their times (in UTC) and how long they will last for a given location

+space agency search <searchTerm> - Searches for a space agency

+space launch upcoming <amnt=5> - Gives upcoming launches; default value is 5 but can be specified

+space images search <searchTerm> - Gives an image related to your search term from NASAs image API.
+space images apod - Gives you NASA’s Astronomy Photo Of The Day

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add SpaceBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add SpaceBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add SpaceBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: +space
Servers: 7.8K
Users: unknown
Created by: TheDevFreak#2798