SquadChooser Discord Bot Logo

SquadChooser Discord Bot

Invite SquadChooser Bot to your Discord server and use its powerful Team Selection and Voice Channel commands! Get the full SquadChooser Discord Bot guide now.

0 upvotes in February

SquadChooser Discord Bot Described:

Draw game teams and create voice channels to those teams in only two commands!
SquadChooser - make you game teams faster

Why you should have SquadChooser on your server? Well… Imagine playing with your friends any game you
want, instead of creating a new channels for your teams you choosed between each other.
Add this bot and small bot and create channels and teams in one command!

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All commands you can use:

-sc help | Shows help embed

-sc setleaders | When you want to randomly choose teams, you must use this commands to set the team leaders first

-sc fillsquads | After choosing leaders of the teams, you have to mention all members in this command, you want to fill to random team to. If you want to pick team members one more time, just copy your last command for it and submit again

-sc randomteams | This command randomly choose as many leaders from members as your number in the first argument and with the rest of the members - matches them to the leaders

-sc removechannels | If you choosed teams, by typing -sc fillsquads and used created channels to communicate with your teammates, you can use this command to remove these channels

-sc reportbug | If you noticed, that bot has a bug, please report it by typing this command and describing what is wrong. Languages that you can use to communicate with developer are Polish and English

-sc info | Informations about bot and not only

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add SquadChooser Discord Bot to my server?

You can add SquadChooser to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add SquadChooser Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -sc
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Adison#3972