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Advanced user and profile searches, game searches and more! All possible with Steamcord

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Steamcord is a unique discord bot, fully focused around making Steam more accessible from discord. From advanced user searches, to finding your favourite game or software, it can all be done with Steamcord. With clean embeds, straight to the point messages and simple command syntax, why would you need to use anything else? Try out Steamcord today, you never know, you might enjoy it!

Key features
  • Search for steam users by using any type of steam id or vanity id
  • Find any steam game by searching for the name of it
  • View Steams top games for several genres
  • 99% Uptime
  • And loads more
steamcord game red dead red


steamcord user massivebellend


steamcord top simulation

I am open to suggestions and recommendations from anybody so feel free to join the support server and talk to me!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.