StickyBot Discord Bot Logo

StickyBot Discord Bot

Invite StickyBot to your server and use its powerful persistent messaging commands. Get the full StickyBot Discord Bot guide here.

0 upvotes in January

StickyBot Discord Bot Described:

StickyBot is a verified discord bot that allows persistent messages in text channels.

Update to the bot: In order to comply with discords API TOS the “stickied” message is now sent every 15 seconds or 5 messages rather than after every message.

This is by far the best way to make a announcement in your discord server!
This bot will “stick” any message you give it to the bottom of a channel. Meaning every time a message is sent in the channel the bot will send the sticky message in the channel. The bot will also delete its last sticky message everytime it sends a new one so it does not get spammed. TLDR: The most recent message in the channel will be the sticky message you set.

-Do ?commands for all the bots commands!

(If your channel is very active, the message will be sent every 5 messages)

Bot Commands:

?stick <message> - Sticks message to the channel.

?stickstop - Cancels stickied message.

(Member must have Manage Messages permissions to use sticky commands.).

?about - Support Server and other useful info.

?poll <question> - Create a poll for people to vote.

?userinfo <@user> - Get info on a member.

?serverinfo - Get info on the server.

?joinlist <count> - Get the first X amount of members who have joined the guild.

?roll - Role two dice.

?invite - Invite link for StickyBot.

?virus - Get latest stats from COVID-19.

Any other Questions?
Join the StickyBot support server and we will be happy to help.

Here is a demo:
<a href=“”><video alt=“Video from Gyazo” width=“1138” autoplay muted loop playsinline controls><source src=“” type=“video/mp4” /></video></a>

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add StickyBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add StickyBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add StickyBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ?
Servers: 127K
Users: unknown
Created by: P_O_G#2222