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Create tickers (voice channels) showing how many people follow you on Twitch and how many members are in your Discord server!

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Create tickers to show off your social media stats, right in Discord! With StreamTicker, you can show off your stats on the following platforms:

  • Twitch followers
  • YouTube subscribers
  • Twitter followers
  • Discord member count

To create a Twitch ticker: s!createticker twitch <Twitch username>
To create a Discord ticker: s!createticker discord
To create a Twitter ticker: s!createticker twitter <Twitter username>
To create a YouTube ticker: s!createticker youtube <Youtube channel URL>

You can even customize the look of your ticker! Run s!editformat <ticker ID> %username% has %count% Twitch followers to create a ticker saying TwitchUsername has 1,337 Twitch followers!

Tickers update every hour with data, so you always get the most accurate data.

Command list

s!help - Checks that the bot is online

s!createticker <twitch/discord/youtube/twitter> [Twitch username, Twitter username or YouTube channel URL] - Add a Twitch, Twitter, YouTube or Discord ticker.

s!deleteticker [ticker ID] - Unbinds and removes a ticker from a channel

s!listtickers - List all bound tickers in this guild

s!refresh [ticker ID] - Force a Twitch ticker refresh

s!editformat [ticker ID] (format) - Format a Twitch, Twitter, YouTube or Discord ticker. Uses %count% for numerical count and %username% for Twitch username (if Twitch ticker)

s!stats - Get stats for the bot

s!info - Get information about the bot

s!presets - Lists all presets

s!load - Loads a ticker preset

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.