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Striker is a Amazon games New World crafting bot, It will help you manage your crafting orders for your company or server for that matter

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The bot is here to help you with crafting order or to be able to find the right person for either a crafting order, play style, weapon skill or tradeskill. With a connection to one of the largest New World databases you’re able to get detailed information of the item and ingredients required to create a specific item in New World.

striker bot

Area of expertise

The bot is designed for crafting orders and to help out your fellow company members with crafting their desired item. If you’d like to take part of notifications as well as being able to get information regarding your fellow members the registration process of characters is also part of this bot and it provides and extra layer of awesomness.


A more detailed description of the commands can either be found from the bot by the /help command or from the bots website. The website will also provide you with an how-to guide on how the bot can be used.

  • /craft new item:<item name> quantity:<value>
  • /craft delete item:<craft order>
  • /register new character:<character name> level:<value>
  • /register update character:<character name> level:<value>
  • /unregister character:<charactera name>
  • /unregister
  • /whois user:<discord user>
  • /whohas tradeskill tradeskill:<tradeskill name> operator:<greater/less/equals> value:<value>
  • /whohas weapon weapon:<weapon name> operator:<greater/less/equals> value:<value>
  • /whohas level operator:<greater/less/equals> value:<value>
  • /whohas playstyle playstyle:<pvp/pve/pvx>
Craft Interactions

The craftin orders work with the interactions of reactions, once a crafting order is created a set of reactions are added to the bot.

Striker reactions

When using the reactions the crafting order is updated automatically to keep you and your crafters updated with the current status.

Striker reactions 2

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.