Logo for SueBot

Upvote SueBot

Created After E bot Dead. SueBot is a Moderation & Entertainment bot. It has over 100 commands. Developer - Epd#5222

Back to SueBot

A Multi Purpose Bot

(): Required
<>: Optional

u!help, @suebot help - For list of category
u!help (category) - For list of commands of that category
u!help (command) - For info about the command


Help - u!help <Category/ Command>
List Of Commands

Invite - u!invite
Invite Link of the Bot

Ping - u!ping
Check the Latency with the bot

Report - u!report (Error)
Report any error or Query

Prefix - u!prefix (New Prefix)
Check/ Change Or Set new Prefix

Vote - u!vote
Voting Link for the bot


Kick - u!kick (Mention Member/ Member ID) <reason>
Kick a Member

Ban - u!ban (Mention Member/ Member ID) <reason>
Ban a Member

delete-channel - u!delete-channel (Mention Channel/ Channel ID)
Delete the Mention Channel

antijoin - u!antijoin (on/off)
Anti Raid

antijoin list - u!antijoin list
List of People while antijoin is on

role - u!role (Mention Member/ Member ID) (Mention Role/ Role ID/ Role Name)
Give Or take role from a member

lock - u!lock (on/off)
Lock the channel this command is used in

lockdown - u!lockdown (on/off)
Lock every channel in the server

mute - u!mute (Mention Member/ Member ID)
Mute a the mentioned Member

unmute - u!unmute (Mention Member/ Member ID)
Unmute the Mentioned Member

nickname - u!nickname (Mention Member) (Nickname)
Nickname a user

nuke - u!nuke
Clone and Delete the Channel

purge - u!purge (1-100)
Delete Messages in Bulk

timeout - u!timeout (Mention Member/ Member ID) (Time) <Reason>
Give a Member timeout

remove-timeout - u!remove-timeout (Mention Member)
Remove Timeout from a member

slowmode - u!slowmode (Time)
Apply Slowmode to a channel



play - u!play (Song Name)
Song to Play

search - u!search (Query)
Search the song to play

pause - u!pause
Pause the music that is being played

resume - u!resume
Resume the music being played

loop - u!loop (on/off)
Put the music queue in repeat.

lyrics - u!ly
Find the lyrics for the song being played

clear - u!clear
Clear the music queue

stop - u!stop
Stop and Disconnect the bot from the VC

jump - u!jump (seconds)
Jump to the seconds mentioned

queue - u!queue
View the server queue

now-playing - u!now-playing
Information about the song being played

skip - u!skip
Skip the music being played


whois - u!whois <Mention Member/ Member ID>
Information about the member

roleinfo - u!roleinfo (Mention Role/ Role ID)
Information about the role

channelinfo - u!channelinfo (Mention Channel/ Channel ID)
Information about the channel

emojiinfo - u!emojiinfo (Emoji)
Information about the emoji

botinfo - u!botinfo
Information about the bot


avatar - u!avatar (Mention Member/ Member ID)
Avatar Of the mentioned user

anime - u!anime (Anime Name)
Informantion About the anime

i-meme - u!i-meme
Random Memes for Indians

joke - u!joke
Dad Jokes

meme - u!meme
Random Memes

tictactoe - u!ttt (Mention Member)
TicTacToe Battle between friends


Afk - u!afk [Reason]
Afk Command

Ascii - u!ascii <Query>
Ascii Text for the Query

Color - u!color <Hex Code>
Image for the given Hex Code

Corona - u!corona <Country>
Informantion Regarding Corona

Dictonary - u!define (query)
Defination Regarding the query

Snipe - u!snipe
See the last deleted Message

Translate - u!Translate (Language) (Query)
Translate the query into the Language

Weather - u!weather (City)
Weather of the City


Set-Log u!set-log (Mention Channel/ Channel ID)
Set or Change the Modlog


Item - u!item (item name)
Informantion About the item

Moveinfo - u!mi (Name)
Informantion About the Move

Pokemon - u!pokemon (name)
Informantion about the pokemon

TM/ HM - u!tm (number)
Informantion about the TM/ HM


Set-Welcome - u!set-wc (Mention Channel/ Channel ID)
Set Welcoming channel

Set-Background - u!set-bg (Image URL)
Change the welcome Background

set-role - u!set-role (Mention Role/ Role ID)
Give Role when a person joins the guild

Check-Channel - u!check-channel
Check the welcome channel

Canvas - u!canvas
Preview the welcome image

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.