Logo for Suggestions

Upvote Suggestions

Want to make a suggestion for your server without having to dm everybody and asking them if they approve? boring right? use our bot for making a server suggestion without dming everyone

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This bot was made to help discord servers in server suggestions without dming or pinging everyone in the server
We have rules of the bot also which you need to follow and we also have a bugreport command and a command for suggesting a bot feature which is not meant to be used for spamming my dms.
Suggestions bot all the commands are listed below
*help- Shows all the commands for the bot which members can use
*rules- Shows the rules of the bot which you need to follow
*suggest- the fun part enter *suggest and your messsage and bot will delete your message and neatly arrange suggestion
*bugreport- This command lets members report a bug they find in the bot to developer not for spamming. *invite- this generates invite link for the bot and the support server .
*botsuggest- This command lets you suggest a new bot feature to the developer.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.