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Swap between more than 300 Crypto-Currencies right from the discord

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Tired of going to instant swap sites while cheating on discord? [our love] <br>
Well , worry no more! SwapCC is here to take care of your swaps without having you to leave discord!

What’s the magic?

SwapCC integrates one of the most renowned instant swap provider called “SimpleSwap” . Providing realtime floating rate and access to all of your favorite assets.


  • *help
    Shows this help message
  • *exchange
    Initiates an exchange between requested currencies
    *exchange btc eth
  • *check
    Checks the status of an exchange
    *check qxQcuXsyOkK
  • *estimate
    Gets estimated amount for requested pair
    *estimate btc eth
  • *info
    Shows price and available market data
    *info btc
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