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This bot is providing moderation commands, fun commands, economy commands.
How to use the commands? use the prefix syn! and choose what fun command do u want ex: syn!8ball (question) and if u wanna ban someone u need to use syn!ban @user (reason) See all commands with syn!help About the Bot syntify is a multi-functional bot with the genre of fun and moderation!
Syntify is in the early process of coding, so expect errors, malfunctions & bugs.
The goal with Syntify is to get him big and show people that you can make anything in JavaScript, Python, or any other coding language.
Everything is possible for Discord Bots! We’d like to hear your opinion about my bot syntify! I made this bot for you, to enjoy. I hope you enjoy syntify and his commands.
The bot will get more commands in future, now the bot has 28 cmds the commands are => 8ball,kiss,meme,say,serverinfo,invite,staffcmds,credits,help,clear,ban,kick,hug,shibe,uptime,ascii,poll,xmas,work,top,balance,rps,random,roll,joke,howgay,flip,latency.

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