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The Ultimate TV Tracker Bot for Discord

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TelePeeps is an application developed by crxssed for MadPeeps, that keeps track of the TV Shows and Movies you watch. The application comes in the form of a Discord Bot, a desktop app and an android app (desktop and android have more features than the bot, such as adding to your own custom watchlist). Get TelePeeps for your platform here


tp/help - Get a list of commands

tp/searchtvname (query) - Get a list of TV Shows that match (query)

tp/searchtvid (id) - Retreives information about a show with the (id)

tp/searchmoviename (query) - Get a list of Movies that match (query)

tp/searchmovieid (id) - Retreives information about a movie with the (id)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.