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Upvote deleted_usere12649f03abe

Terminal is a fanmade database of information about the SCP Foundation containing information on the site

Prefix = *
cmilk = milk picture in embed
milk = milk picture in embed
smilk = milk picture in embed
series1-6 = sends a link to each series showing all the SCP stories
classes = information on the several classes of the game and foundataion
invite = invitation to invite the bot to other servers
support = Sends a embed containing the link to the support server
info = gives you information on the bot
site = sends a link to the SCP Foundation site where it gets its information
help = sends a embed with the commands
bestboi = sends my favorite SCP
bestboi2 = sends the co-creators favorite SCP
updates = sends current update fixes as well as verson of bot
nugs = sends a embed of dino nugs
vibe = checks your vibe
clear = clears a specified number of messages
rules = sends a embed containing both our server rules and discord rules

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.