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Terminal - a simple bot with moderation and gifs!

Patch 1.0 (2020.05.13)

List of commands (GIFs will not have a description of the mk, and so it is clear)

/ dog
/ cat
/ load
/ hmm
/ what
/ enot
/ burger
/ cyberpunk
/ shrek
/ money
/ sharkdance


/ ban (mention of person)
/ clear (number of messages)
/ kick (mentioned)

/ Copyright - bot copyright
/ math (2 + 2) is important with a space!
/ hack (write and find out)
/ joke (joke text) who did not understand the bot will write a joke
/ wiki (title) will display a wikipedia article.
/ knb stone / scissors / paper
/ usd_rub a piece of dollar in ruble (I will make hryvnias)
/ serverinfo server info
/ avatar (mentioned) will show the person’s avatar
/ profile (mentioned) will show the profile of the person on the server
/ memberslist list of server members
/ join the bot will go into the voice where you are now
/ leave analoke by the forerunner of the team only vice versa
/ ip_info (ip address) will show info about ip
/ tmie will show time
/ zn (song title) will find music on Zaycev net
/ yam (song name) will find music on Yandex music
/ ks (movie) will find the movie on the movie search
/ invite invite the terminal to the server
/google (text) serch of server
/usd_grn a piece of dollar in hryvnias
/joinbot - bot joined to voise chanel
/play (youtube_url) - played music

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.