Hello there you can add this bot to your server, This bot does many things like sharing memes, moderation etc…, The speciality of this bot is it has a cool interface. We will be adding many features to this bot time to time so stay tuned.Use &help command to get the list of all the available commands.If you need any help or complain about this bot you can join our support server to report.
List of all the available commands :-
-> Mod Help :
➳ Warn commands :
- &warn, &checkwarns, &clearwarns
➳ Mute commands :
- &mute, &unmute
➳ Delete message command :
- &clean
➳ Channel commands :
- &lock channel, &unlock channel
-> Fun commands :
➳ Meme command :
- &meme
➳ Rating commands :
- &gayrate, &simprate, &loverate
-> Bot info commands :
➳ Invite, ping
- &invite, &ping
-> Info related commands :
- &userinfo, &serverinfo, &membercount, &av
More commands will be added soon, join our support server to get the updates and change log of the bot.