To-do Bot allows for users to store tasks that they wish to complete whether discord related or not. This data is stored into a MySQL database which can be adapted and displayed on all servers that you and the bot are on. Using the numerous commands below this is made possible:
Bot prefix: td!
Admin Commands:- role - Setup a staff role to use server list commands.
- delrole - Remove assigned staff role.
- assign - Create an assignment for another user.
- setprefix - Set a custom prefix for the server.
- help - Displays this embed.
- add - Starts a process to add tasks to the list.
- remove - Starts a process to remove tasks on the list.
- archive - Store completed tasks into a separate list.
- clear - Removes all the to-do tasks that are set.
- list - Lists all the currently set tasks you have.
- archives - Lists all the tasks that have been archived
- remind - Starts a process where you can remind yourself of tasks. (Vote Locked)
- reminders - Displays the current reminders you have active.
- delreminder - Delete a reminder from your reminders list.
- edit - Edit a personal task or reminder.
- complete - Set an assignment as complete.
- add-server - Add a task to the server list.
- archive-server - Archive a task from the server list.
- archives-server - A list of all the archived server tasks.
- clear-server - Clear all the tasks from the server list.
- list-server - A list of all the server tasks.
- remove-server - Remove a task from the server list.
- invite - Links you to the bot invite and support server.
- info - Information related to the bot.
- vote - Links you to the listing websites where you can vote for the bot.
- ping - Responds with the bots ping.
- uptime - Displays the bot’s uptime since the last restart.
- stats - Shows all the relevant operational data of the bot.
- voted - Check whether you have voted and when you voted last.
- voted <UserID> - Check whether a user has voted and when they voted last.
- votes - List the top 10 bot voters.
- bug - Report a bug or anything related to the bot.
- Without the permissions specified in the bot invite link, the bot will not work!