➼ Posts images off of SubReddits!
➼ Join the Discord to Suggest new SubReddits to add!
➼ Frequently Updated!
➼ Adding Voting Features later!
Commands list -
Help ➤ Displays Help Message
Ping ➤ Displays the ping from Discord to the Bot!
Aww ➤ Pulls a picture or gif of something that is cute from r/aww!
Spooky ➤ Pulls a meme from r/spookymemes!
Anime ➤ Pulls an Anime Gif from r/AnimeGifs!
Cute ➤ Pulls an image from r/Eyebleach!
Ducc ➤ Pulls an image or gif of a duck from r/duck!
Hedgehog ➤ Pulls an image or gif of a hedgehog from r/Hedgehoggifs!
ProgHum ➤ Pulls funny things from r/ProgrammerHumor!