Logo for TommyBot

Upvote TommyBot

This is a bot that deals with servers and stuff. Moderation Commands, Fun Commands and Meme Commands! Still a work in progress.

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This is a bot that deals with servers and stuff. Moderation Commands, Fun Commands and Meme Commands! Still a work in progress. Kick, ban, mute, etc. Also a work in progress so there might be some bugs.

Prefix: %

TommyBot can send memes, cute pictures of animals and even report reposts (if reposts are against your server rule).

Moderation Examples:

%kick @user being bad

%ban @user being extra bad

%mute @user 1h

%unban 32498734893246783246 redeemed himself

%vcdata @user mute

%vcdata @user disconnect

%vcdata @user deafen

Fun Command Examples:

%meme %8ball am I cool? %cutepics

User Moderation Example:

%repost 23489372489374 that same troll meme smh

Hope this bot proves to be useful in your server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.