Logo for Tornado

Upvote Tornado

React to the message to get the role! Set up to 20 reactions per message! Customize your blacklisted roles!

Back to Tornado

The bot’s instructions are written in Russian and English!

Set any convenient prefix with command rr!prefix
Set the language to Russian or English with rr!language
To interact with commands, write rr!help
write a beautiful text on behalf of the bot with the rr!say command
Add one or more roles by reaction, write rr!addonerole or rr!addrole
Remove one or more roles by reaction, write rr!removeonereact or rr!removerole
Set the blacklist for undesired participants with the rr!editrole
You can recommend the bot to your friends using the rr!invite
Information about the bot rr!botinfo and the ping bot rr!ping
For bot support issues, go to the development server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.