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Why Tourney
It’s hard to run a tournament for your community. Keeping track of who plays against who, which lobby to join, what the fairest matchups are, proving who won - that’s a lot. We made Tourney to make your life easy so all you focus on is building a community around what you love. Tourney will run your tournaments for you, either as an assistant where you pick the settings and he does the work or completely on his own based on what he learns about your community over time. His powerful AI and features can help you build a stronger and more fun community.
Features- Web Dashboard for complete customization - https://esports.game.tv/nimda
- Perks for the server and for players
- Tournaments can be run manually, assisted, or completely automatically
- Opportunity for players to rank nationally and earn a $500/month sponsorship
- Opportunity for a server admin to earn sponsored tournaments and a $500/month sponsorship
- Usable in Tournament Lobby
- !register : This will allow registration process to begin for you. It’s only usable after registration has begun.
- !unregister : This will remove your spot from the registration and also from your team.
- !timer : This will tell you the next stage of the tournament process and how much time is left until that stage.
- !myteam : This will tell you who’s in your team and their registration status.
- Usable in DM with Tourney Bot
- !createteam <team name> <ingame username> : This will register a new team into the roster. You will be the only person in that team until you share the team code and have others join your team.
- !jointeam <team code> <ingame username> : This will put you in the existing team that someone else has created.
- !joinsolo <ingame username> : This will register you for a solo tournament.
- !checkin <code provided> : If there is check-in requirement and if check-in time has begun, this will allow you to check in and complete your registration.
- Usable in Game Lobby
- !result <team name> : This is how to submit your match result to bot. It’s required that you attach a screenshot of your victory screen along with the command.