This bot has two main functions:
See how nice/rude your message is by sending it directly to the Machine Learning Model.
The other function is that it can run in the background and provide niceness averages for any opted-in users.
t+optin & t+optout - Starts/Stops the bot from keeping a niceness profile for you
t+faq - Bot description, helpful links, commands, and examples
t+say - Test your message’s niceness level against the ML model directly
t+info - View guild count, latency, total user records, and total messages consumed bt ML model (last two are global)
t+niceness or t+niceness list - View a list of available opted-in users
t+niceness <@user> - See how nice a user on the server is who has opted-in
t+nicest <#> - View top <#> nicest users in your server (Max of 50)
t+rudest <#> - View top <#> rudest users in your server (Max of 50)