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TranslateBot makes it easy to translate any message you want to just about any language you can think of!

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TranslateBot makes it easy to translate any message you want to just about any language you can think of! All you have to do is type “!t <language> <text to be translated>” and TranslateBot will handle the rest! For example, if I want to tell somebody what my name is in korean, I just have to type “!t korean Hi, my name is NAME!”

If you see people chatting away in a language you dont know, and you want to take part in the conversaion, you can type “!t lang <text to analyze>” and TranslateBot will dissect the message and tell you what language they"re speaking in! For example, All I"d have to type is “!t lang 안녕하세요, 만나서 반가워요!” to find out that they"re speaking in korean

TranslateBot is 100% safe to use. Only our trusted developers have access to the bot token. Our bot is also verified. No private data is stored, nor can be accessed.

You can view a list of our supported languages here: https://bit.ly/translatebot-languages.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.