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Translation Tool supports over 100+ languages with auto language moderation that prevents users from speaking in other languages.

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Translation Tool?
A powerful translation bot that is designed to translate text from one language to another language over discord accurately.

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
Let’s unite the world with the wonderful languages that are available, together we can bring peace and end wars between each country. Remember that language unites a country and together we can unite the world.

This bot comes with an amazing Translation system, flag translation systems, and auto language moderation systems. You can also create some incredible embeds in your desired language. Also includes astronomy, weather forecasts and Wikipedia searches.

Language availability:
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
Hence we believe in keeping the language culture alive by offering you over 100+ translation languages.

Industrial Infrastructure:
To offer users a smooth and stable service with 99.9% availability we are using an industrial design.

With frequent updates and enhanced features, you will have an amazing experience with the Translation Tool Bot. If there is any feature that you would like to suggest please feel free to join our discord server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.