Tsumiki is a Discord bot that is running on Discord.js Library and was developed using JavaScript.
The bot features various Commands, such as Action Commands, Utilities, Fun Commands, Predictions and more!
- Tsumiki’s Github Repo
The main focus is to develop the best “Anime focused” Action bot on the Bot market.
A great Action Bot requires an Advanced Mention System. Should not include static text outcomes on Mentions.
And having a great variety of GIFs/Images per Action Command.
- Tsumiki’s Github Repo
Step 1: Add it to your server, either click “invite” on top of the page or click on the “Add Tsumiki” image.
Step 2: Select a Server you want Tsumiki in.
Step 3: Allow the bot with the permissions that is pre-checked.
Note: I highly recommend to leave them all checked. Else it’ll cause problems later on OwO
Step 4: Learn the bot’s prefix, so you can use Commands!
Note: You can find that on top of this page or you can ask in a channel Tsumiki is in:
Example: "Prefix @Tsumiki#0772?"
Step 5: Do ~Help
- This will give you all the Commands that Tsumiki has to offer.
Note: Use the purple arrow emojis, to move Left or Right between pages!
Step 6: Do ~Help Command [Command Name]
- for more details on how to use that command.
Step 7: [optional] If you prefer the Help list in DMs:
Example: ~Help dm
Visit Tsumiki Github Page for more details
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