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Text to speech bot. 100+ languages supported. Customisable behaviour

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A TTS (Text to Speech) Bot.

Connect to a voice channel and type ,say hello i am tts bot

Command Aliases Description
,say <message> ,s, ,tts Play a TTS message in your voice channel.
,aeiou <message> ,moonbase Play an aeiou (similar to Moonbase Alpha) TTS message.
,stop ,leave Stop the TTS bot and leave the channel.
,lang <lang_code> ,setlang Change the TTS language for your server.
,langs ,languages Display a list of the all supported languages.
,speed <slow|normal> Change the TTS spoken speed (normal or slow).
,help ,h, ,commands Show all the available commands.
,info ,botinfo Get some info about the bot.
,ping ,latency Ping? Pong! Show bot response speed.
,uptime ,up Show bot uptime.
,invite ,botinvite Invite the bot to your server.
,support ,discord Join the support server and get some help.
,tos ,terms TTS bot terms of services.
,privacy ,policy TTS bot privacy policy.
Language Support
Language Name Language Code
Afrikaans af
Albanian sq
Amharic am
Arabic ar
Armenian hy
Azerbaijani az
Basque eu
Bengali bn
Bosnian bs
Bulgarian bg
Burmese my
Catalan ca
Chinese cmn
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
Filipino fil
Finnish fi
French fr
Galician gl
Georgian ka
German de
Greek el
Gujarati gu
Hebrew iw
Hindi hi
Hungarian hu
Icelandic is
Indonesian id
Italian it
Japanese ja
Javanese jv
Kannada kn
Kazakh kk
Khmer km
Korean ko
Lao lo
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Macedonian mk
Malay ms
Malayalam ml
Marathi mr
Mongolian mn
Nepali ne
Norwegian nb
Persian fa
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Punjabi pa
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian sr
Sinhala si
Slovak sk
Spanish es
Sundanese su
Swahili sw
Swedish sv
Tamil ta
Telugu te
Thai th
Turkish tr
Ukranian uk
Urdu ur
Uzbek uz
Vietnamese vi
Zulu zu
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