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The only music bot you need for your server. TrustMe!

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The only music bot you need for your server. TrustMe!

.help Display all commands and descriptions

.debug Shows how many voice channels is TuneCord conected

.play Plays your music of choice

.ping Shows the bots ping

.clear-queue Clears The queue of music

.filter filter name Applies the filter of your choice

.loop Loop the current song

.np Shows what song is bing currently played

.pause Pause the current music

.queue Shows The queue of songs

.resume This will resume the pause music

.search This will search what you want to search

.shuffle Will Shuffle the queue

.skip Skip the current tatti song

.stop Stop the current song

.volume Lower the volume or increase ex. .Volume 69

.w-filters List of filers my applied

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.