We are this updating the bot so it may be down something and this bot can help u get more member on ur server with the new update coming
We love this bot and we will update it alot and we hope you enjoy our bot here our commands
akahelp - Shows this message.
akarandom - Shows a random number from <Args> to <args 2> -
akaban - Do tupban @username why -
akakick - Do tupkick @username why and u can kick someone -
akalove-Do tuplove -
akakiss-Do tupkiss -
akapurge-Do tuppurge -
akagiverole-Do tupgiverole -
akaremoverole-Do tupremoverole
akahug hug someone
akapat pat someone
akaSupport - take u to the support website

Akamecurpose Discord Bot
Full Akamecurpose Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.
0 upvotes in FebruaryAkamecurpose Discord Bot Described:
This is a good bot and we are still updating the botFrequently Asked Questions
How do I add Akamecurpose Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Akamecurpose to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Akamecurpose Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots

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