Logo for Uchiha Obito

Upvote Uchiha Obito

bot focused on moderation, and ranking. !est, !config, !config lang

Back to Uchiha Obito

OBS: you can change my language using: !config lang

bot of moderation, levels, music, logs

Here you will see a brief summary of my commands, to learn more react to the emoji of the given category. If you have any questions about how to use the command use: !help [command-name]

!config - configure the bot your way.
!clearchat - It will erase a certain number of messages on the channel on which the command is executed.
!avatar - Shows a member’s avatar.
!cowsay - Make a cow say something to you!
!userinfo - Show user info on discord.
!serverinfo - Shows server information.
!ontime - Shows how long I’ve been online!
!icon - shows the server icon!
!osu - shows a profile on osu!
!botinfo - shows detailed bot information.
!emojis - See all the emojis that a server has!
!emoji - Shows an emoji with the largest size.
!emojiinfo - Shows information of the emoji mentioned in an embed.
!rank - shows your level and current position on a given server.
!roles - Lists all the roles that a given server has!
!perfeito - Show people what really is perfect.
!triggered - Do you know when someone is angry? So, create an image of someone fired!
!emojify - Make me say any phrase to you with emojis.
!weather - Shows the current climate of a city state or country.
!minecraft - Create your personalized minecraft achievement.
!samp - Shows information about a particular samp server that is online!
!wikisamp - Search the samp wiki for a required function!

!play -make me play a song through a link or song name
!stop - turn off all music and exit the call
!pause - make me pause the music for you.
!resume - continue the music that was paused!
!skip - Didn’t like the song? You can skip it
!volume - Control the sound according to you
!bassboost - Increase the bass of the song and enjoy the beats!
!lyrics - Did you like the song? So you will also like to read her note
!effect - Here the magic happens, change the effect of the music to: bassboost, distortion, nightcore, vaporwave
!nowplaying - Shows details of the song being played!
!queue - Shows all the songs that are in the queue, including the current one playing.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.