iXEON Discord Bot Logo

iXEON Discord Bot

Full iXEON Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

iXEON Discord Bot Described:

Uni can offer great money system, It has action commands with Moderation commands!

Bot Commands:
/balance | /bal - (/balance) or (/balance <user>).
/pay - (/pay <user> <amount>).
/daily - (/daily).
/gamble | /g - (/gamble <bet>).
/leaderboard - (/leaderboard).
/hug - (/hug <user>).
/ping - (/ping).
/prefix - (/prefix <new prefix>) NEED TO HAVE MANAGE_GUILD PERMISSION
/userinfo - (/userinfo) or (/userinfo <user>).
/help - (/help).

Next Update Peek!

/ban (/ban <user>).
/kick (/kick <user>).
/warn (/warn <user> <reason>).
/mute (/mute <user> <reason>).
/steal (/steal <steal bet>).
/meme (/meme).

Current Bot Version - v0.1.5-a-1-b

DM @KPL for support!
Go to our website to add our bot!

Bot Creator Commands:

/ap - (/ap <user> <amount>). - adds funds.

Shop is being Created as of making this text.

Nov 19, 2020 12:04PM GMT +8

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add iXEON Discord Bot to my server?

You can add iXEON to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add iXEON Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: Default prefix "/"
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: SlᑎISTΞR#6009