This is the list of all executable commands for now …
There will be other commands …
| General |
Invite = ai!invite
Vote = ai!vote
Botinfo = ai!botinfo
Userinfo = ai!userinfo {member.mention}
| Fun |
Ping = ai!ping
Avatar = ai!avatar {member.mention} / {}
Poll = ai!poll {question}
Math = ai!math {number +/- number}
Say = ai!say {member.tag} + {text}
Join = ai!join
Leave = ai!leave
| Moderator |
Ban = ai!ban {member.mention} + {reason}
Unban = Incoming…
Kick = ai!kick {member.mention} + {reason}
Warn = ai!warn {member.mention} + {reason}
Mute = Incoming…
Unmute = Incoming…
Lock (Textchannel) = ai!lock
Unlock(Textchannel) = ai!unlock
Clear = ai!clear {number}
Create Text Channel = ai!textchannel {}
Create Voice Channel = ai!voicechannel {}
Delete Channel = ai!deletechannel {channel.mention} / {}
| Roleplay |
Kiss = ai!kiss {member.mention}
Hug = ai!hug {member.mention}
Cuddle = ai!cuddle {member.mention}
Lick = ai!lick {member.mention}
Blush = ai!blush {member.mention}
Cry = ai!cry {member.mention}
Slap = ai!slap {member.mention}