[v!] Valorant Discord Bot Logo

[v!] Valorant Discord Bot

Full [v!] Valorant Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Games commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

[v!] Valorant Discord Bot Described:

Your all-around informative discord bot related to Riot Games' recent PC release: Valorant.

Introducing Valorant.
Your best friend when it comes to everything related to… well, Valorant!

Command List:
Remember to use the prefix with each command!

  • ability <ability name> - Provides a detailed rundown of the selected ability
  • abilities - Provides a list of all agents’ abilities
  • agent <agent name> - Provides a detailed rundown of the selected agent
  • agents - Provides a list of all Valorant’s agents
  • beta - Provides information on how to gain access to Valorant’s closed beta
  • botstats - Shows basic stats of the bot
  • contract <agent name> - Provides a detailed rundown of the selected agent’s contract
  • help (command) - Provides a list of the bot’s commands as well as a brief explanation on each of their uses
  • invite - Provides the user with a link to invite the bot to their server
  • news - Provides official news articles for Valorant
  • patchnotes - Provides official patch notes for Valorant
  • ranked - Provides all available knowledge known about Valorant’s upcoming ranked system
  • requirements - Provides information on the system requirements in order to play Valorant
  • suggest <suggestion> - Send the developer a suggestion!
  • summary - Provides a summary about what Valorant is
  • weapon <weapon name> - Provides a detailed rundown of the selected weapon
  • weapons - Provides a list of all weapons
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add [v!] Valorant Discord Bot to my server?

You can add [v!] Valorant to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add [v!] Valorant Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: v!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Kaleb#2157