VALORANT LABS | Discord Verified | All Data based on v1.04 Patch
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Added v?blacklist
Added v?templates
v?blacklist - Channel Blacklist
v?templates create [rank/agents] - Reaction Role prebuilds with auto role creation — No setup required, just execute the command in the channel where you want the reaction role
v?settings news #CHANNEL - Set AutoNews Channel
v?settings lang [de/en/fr/jp/pt-br] - Change Language
v?status - Get Server Status
v?help - Shows the help message [READY]
v?stats [RIOT ID] - Shows the stats of the requested user [Waiting for API]
v?weapon [WEAPONNAME] - Get stats for requested weapon [READY]
v?weapons - Get overview over all available weapons [READY]
v?ranked - Get overview over the ranks ranked mode [READY]
v?settings - Get overview over the settings [READY]
v?settings prefix [NEW PREFIX] - Set new prefix [READY]
v?settings news [#CHANNEL] - Set news channel [READY]
v?settings lang [de/en/fr/jp/pt-br] - Set Bot Language [READY]
v?settings blacklist [true/false] - Enables/Disables channel blacklist for the bot [BETA]
v?blacklist add #CHANNEL - Add channel to the blacklist [BETA]
v?blacklist remove #CHANNEL - Remove channel from the blacklist [BETA]
v?blacklist - Shows all channel in the blacklist [BETA]
v?templates create [agents/rank] - Creates Reaction Roles for agents or rank selection [ALPHA]
v?map [MAP NAME] - Shows map details for a specific map [READY]
v?patch - Shows the latest Patch [READY]
v?agent [AGENT NAME] - Shows agent details for an specific agent [READY]
v?botinfo - Get information about the bot [READY]
v?vote - Get the Vote Link [READY]
v?status - Shows overview for server regions to choose from [READY]
Compare Stats between players [later]
Party Option to find mates [later]
If you have any suggestions, write me a DM per Discord: Henrik3#1451
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