Logo for Veesio

Upvote Veesio

An advanced moderation tool. Very useful for staff members. Multiple useful commands available to everyone.

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Moderation Advanced Details

Keep order and calm with our many moderation features. All punishments are saved and searchable at any time. Protect yourself and your community from people who open the internet to bring that harm.

Configurable Settings

We thought of our super organized users! Take control of our tool to configure it as you see fit. Provided a channel for use of the bot to avoid disorder. Changed everything and make your server unique!

Ticket System

Use one of the best ways to help your community. Our new ticket system will allow your users and also you to communicate privately without going through private messages. When you close a ticket, the user will be notified with all the necessary information.

Fun Features

On a server, there must be something for everyone! We also think of users without powers. We offer a list of fun and useful commands so that nobody is sidelined! But do not forget, abuse is a sad sin … ?

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.