Logo for Ventuser

Upvote Ventuser

Fun bot with various of commands. Moderation bot that has perms to many commands like mute, kick, ban etc

Back to Ventuser

This is to vote for the Ventuser bot.
Here is a bit of information about the bot.

  • Description of what the bot does
    Howgay: displays gay rate of mentioned user

epicgamerrate: Shows a random epic gamer rate

Simp: Shows simp rate mentioned user

Dank rate: Shows dank rate of mentioned user

Roast: Roasts mentioned user

Stankrate: Displays a random percentage of how stinky someone is

pp: Shows pp rate of mentioned user

Kill: mention a User and it’ll show a message of how they die!

Hack: mention a User and you will hack them! (random information)

Waifu: Shows a waifu rate!

8ball- ask a question and it’ll respond to you!

Vote: Help and vote for our Bot! We appreciate it!

Support: Sends you link of our support server and our patreon!

Prefix: Shows you prefix of the bot

Kick: kicks mentioned user of server command is used in

lock/unlock: Locks and Unlocks the channel command is used in

Ban/unban: Bans mentioned user of server command is used in

Mute/Unmute:mutes mentioned user of sevrer command is used in

Ping: Shows bots ping

Giverole: Gives mentioned user role of your choice

Createrole: Creates role of your choice

Takerole: Takes mentioned role away from user

Nitro: sends fake nitro link to trick users

Sm(Slowmode): changes time to talk in any channel

Steal: steals other severs emojis (requires: : to use)

Serverinfo: Displays servers info

Userinfo: Displays mentioned users info

Level: Shows what level you are in the sever

Members: Displays members of current sever

Invite: Invite the bot

Poll: Creates a poll in the channel

Warn: Warns mentioned user in server

Achievement: Creates custom minecraft achievement

Purge: Deltes messages command is used in (max is 100)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.