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VerifyME - The only bot you will ever need to make sure that your server is safe and secure.

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<h1><span style=“color: #3E70DD”>Verify</span>ME</h1>

VerifyME simply allows new users who have joined the server to complete a captcha to verify that they are real humans.

<h3>➜ Getting Started</h3>

Use the /tutorial command to view the steps to setup the captcha system.
You can also check the current configuration by using the /config_view.

<h3>➜ <span style=“color: 3E70DD”>Before</span> Setup</h3>

<li><h6>Create a verified role and it must have the VIEW_CHANNELS permission. (e.g. @Verified)</h6></li>

<li><h6>@everyone should not have the VIEW_CHANNELS permission.</h6></li>

<li><h6>Make sure that VerifyME’s role is higher than the verified role!</h6></li>

<img style=“width=100; height=100” src=“https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/943736248525283329/1007681332446507148/Step_1__3_-removebg-preview_2.png”>

<h3>That’s It!<h3>

<img style=“float: left” src=“https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/949899908494803024/1007937451387535390/verify-removebg-preview.png”>


You have successfully set up the bot!
Note: If you have any issues feel free to DM Mannerce#0001 or Scemer Jr.#0001

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