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GM & Shopping Bot! Find, share & buy anything. Also a gm'ers buddy - keep track of gm and total rank. WeShop gives DAILY NITRO to winners!

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Database of 60million+ products from 10,000+ sites, WeShopBot allows you to find and/or share any item(s) you want to search for on any Discord Server,🛍️ using simple commands, powered by WeShop API (www.weshop.com).

Also a gm’ers’☀️ best buddy - keep track of your members’ gm streaks and a total gm rank. WeShop gives out DAILY NITRO to winners👑 of the gm crew!

/find - type whatever keywords of merchandise you want! For example: /find anime figure 🛍️
/gm - Shows you how many days in a row you’ve said gm and the total # of days you’ve said gm ☀️
/rank - Shows a gm ranking for the server and winners of the day to claim NITRO from WeShop 💰 🔥

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.