I made WondyFrame for personal use and a learning experience, but I thought I should share it for others to use as well. I got tired of having to search up a prime item on the wiki, write the relics down and find the drop location for each. This was the main goal for this bot, just type in the prime item you wanna farm and you get the relics with the best drop locations. In the end, I made the bot do a lot more than just that. This bot doesn’t have any fancy functions or commands. It does one thing and that is giving you the information you need quickly in an easy to read format. I really hope you find this discord bot useful. So far it only supports world state on PC.
Command structure:
WF.command <Required> / [Optional] - Accepted values for optional will be in ()
Example: WF.Item Trinity Prime Systems -yes
This will show the prime item, with all the vaulted relics because of -yes
Note: WF.Item command is WIP. It’s only showing items with drop locations from missions, relics, enemies etc. Digital Extreme don’t release everything thru their API, but most of the items should be there.
WF.Help to get a list of all commands in Discord
WF.Relic <Relic Name> [Refinement (Radiant / Flawless / Exceptional / Intact)]
Search for relic information
WF.Item <Item Name> [Vaulted (-Yes / -No)]
WIP: Search for item, if you wanna see vaulted relics for prime items you can use the parameter Vaulted at the end
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Show fass/vome on Cambion Drift