Wumpi Discord Bot Logo

Wumpi Discord Bot

Add Wumpi bot to your server for top-notch moderation and fun commands. Invite Wumpi Discord Bot today and enhance your community interaction!

0 upvotes in December

Wumpi Discord Bot Described:

The Wumpi development team welcomes you to a revolutionary bot! commands: include .help moderation .help-fun....

Wumpi Available Commands

Moderation Commands:

.tempban [member] [duration] (optional reason)
Temporarily bans a member from the server.

.warn [member] (optional reason)
Warns the mentioned member

.ban [member] (optional reason)
Bans a member from the server.

.kick [member] (optional reason)
Kicks a member from the server.

.timeout [member] [duration] (optional reason)
Timeouts a user for a specified duration.

.slowmode [seconds]
Sets slowmode on the current channel.

.announce [#channel] [message]
Posts an announcement in the specified channel.

.delete [number]
Deletes the specified number of messages in the current channel.

/stats [member]
Displays the stats of a user.

Fun Commands:

Roll a dice.

Get a Magic 8-Ball response.

Get a random fox image.

/avatar [member]
View a member’s avatar.

/rps [rock/paper/scissors]
Play Rock Paper Scissors.

Get a random cat image.

Get a random dog image.

.help Support
Support Information:

How to Get Support: DM the bot Wumpi with your problem. The bot will forward your message to the support team in #mod-mail. Our staff will review and DM you back.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Wumpi Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Wumpi to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Wumpi Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: .
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: savage_3448#0