c!play = Play a song with a link or name.
c!loop = Make the song you are listening to repeat.
c!pause = Pause the song you are listening to.
c!resume = Resume the song you are listening to.
c!stop = Stop the playlist.
c!skip = Skip the song that is playing and go to the next one.
c!lyrics = Shows the lyrics of the song that is playing.
c!now = Shows the song being played.
c!queue = Show the playlist.
c!remove = Remove a song from the playlist.
c!avatar = Show a user’s profile picture or gif.
c!gay = How homosexual is this person?
c!question = Ask the bot a question.
c!nut = Roll the nut.
c!kiss = Kiss a user.
c!slap = Slap a user.
c!kill = Kill a user.
c!tickled = Tickle a user.
c!hug = Hug a user.
c!smug = Smug a user.
c!meme-eng = Send a meme in English.
c!meme-ita = Send a meme in Italian.<
c!coinflip = Flip a coin.
c!ascii = Transform a sentence.
c!cat = Show a random photo or gif of cat.
c!dog = Show a random photo or gif of dog.
c!lizard =Show a random photo or gif of lizard.
c!goose = Show a random photo or gif of goose.
c!kick = Kick users form the server.
c!ban = Ban users form the server.
c!announcement = Submit your ad in the channel where you ran the command.
c!feed = Leave a review! It will be published on the official server.
c!ping = It shows the speed of the bot.
c!social = Show all useful bot links.
c!invite = Invite me with this link.
c!serverinfo = Show server information.
c!userinfo = Show Shows the information of the mentioned user.
c!info = Show bot statistics.
c!searchanime = Find information about the anime you want.
c!infofeed = Learn how to do a bot review.
c!social = Show Shows the information of the mentioned user.
c!uptime = Shows how long the bot has been online.
c!invite = Invite me with this link.