g!about - shows info about the bot
g!invite - shows how to invite the bot
g!ping - checks the bot’s latency
g!set color - Set’s all the giveaways color to the provided hex
g!set logs channel - Set a channel where you will be informed about the winners of the giveaways.
g!create - creates a giveaway (interactive setup)
g!start [winners] [prize] - starts a giveaway (quick setup)
g!confirm [messageId] - starts a giveaway (Note: Please execute this command and then react to the giveaway else it will be cancelled)
g!end [messageId] - ends (picks a winner for) the specified or latest giveaway in the current channel
g!reroll [messageId] - re-rolls the specified or latest giveaway in the current channel
Do not include <> nor [] - <> means required and [] means optional.